收到 EKO 的電郵:
工業革命,發展經濟的代價,就是社會問題。我將於下月底去 San Diego 參加一個大型領袖座談會 “The Big Event”〔大件事〕,希望能學習到一些屬靈的教訓及道路去培養軍政工商界的領袖。如果您認為這主題與富士康管理問題有關及恰當的話,請與各博客分享。謝謝!
這個座談會將有超過一千人參加,主講者都是一時俊傑。負責組織這個活動的 "主人" 是 Dr. Manna Ko,一個熟悉的朋友,一位熱愛生命的基督徒。不用 EKO 講,我對這個活動都一定大力支持。
工業革命,發展經濟的代價,就是社會問題。我將於下月底去 San Diego 參加一個大型領袖座談會 “The Big Event”〔大件事〕,希望能學習到一些屬靈的教訓及道路去培養軍政工商界的領袖。如果您認為這主題與富士康管理問題有關及恰當的話,請與各博客分享。謝謝!
這個座談會將有超過一千人參加,主講者都是一時俊傑。負責組織這個活動的 "主人" 是 Dr. Manna Ko,一個熟悉的朋友,一位熱愛生命的基督徒。不用 EKO 講,我對這個活動都一定大力支持。
Manna 對 "The Big Event" 有這樣的簡介:
"We will address how to be a frontier and a champion regardless of what is happening in the economy or in our own personal lives. We will address how to serve others not just as a proactive strategy in our careers, but as a fundamental function of our hearts and our humanity. We will discuss and offer out-of-the box paradigms and ideas to be a part of a give-back community that dignifies and empowers the recipients to then be a force for good in their own lives and a contributing member of their community – social entrepreneurship, without keeping them entrenched in a no-win, no-hope, no-growth situation…or worse, into victim-hood, blame, or entitlement.
The intention, and the vision of this event, is to create a place where God’s love, healing, and power is known and felt, without this being a “Christian” conference. My hope and prayer is that by being bold and by stepping out in courage and in faith, we can be a light that ignites others to “be a force for good”, too.
I want to empower and dignify the “wounded” from this economy, to give hope to the lost and defeated, to speak truth and life to a confused world, to give “permission” to a strong community of good-hearted people, to not tolerate a life of old habits, fear-based ideas, pessimistic mentalities, or to resort to ineffective or assault communications through the internet. My hope is that we can not only demonstrate but be an example of how to be a lighthouse for another “banner” - one of good, kindness, life, and hope! "

The intention, and the vision of this event, is to create a place where God’s love, healing, and power is known and felt, without this being a “Christian” conference. My hope and prayer is that by being bold and by stepping out in courage and in faith, we can be a light that ignites others to “be a force for good”, too.
I want to empower and dignify the “wounded” from this economy, to give hope to the lost and defeated, to speak truth and life to a confused world, to give “permission” to a strong community of good-hearted people, to not tolerate a life of old habits, fear-based ideas, pessimistic mentalities, or to resort to ineffective or assault communications through the internet. My hope is that we can not only demonstrate but be an example of how to be a lighthouse for another “banner” - one of good, kindness, life, and hope! "
“be a force for good” !
"We will address how to be a frontier and a champion regardless of what is happening in the economy or in our own personal lives. We will address how to serve others not just as a proactive strategy in our careers, but as a fundamental function of our hearts and our humanity." Well said, Manna! This is exactly what a purpose driven life means. Best wishes to "The Big Event".
Robin, 毛毛蟲, 心言, JR:
Manna 請求您們多多為這 "大件事" 祷告,因為那恶者必會用各種方法去破壞 "好好事"。
"Be a Force for Good" 是要靠一群基督徒联合起來,在神的祝福及代领下才能成就的。
願這好好的 "大件事" 能榮神益人。
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