Dear Robin
There are two sacraments mentioned in the Gospels : Baptism and Holy Communion. They are known as Gospel Sacraments and are instituted by Our Lord Jeusu Christ.
When a person being enlightened through the teaching and the words of the Bible during this person's spiritual learning in life. That person may ask for or the church calls for a Sacrament of Baptism. In other words that person sees the sinful darkness in life and repents and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. That person after Baptism is accepted as a child of God, and a member of the Kingdom of God.
A baptised person is a member of A church but it is not necessarily THE member of a church. Baptism is a ritual that a minister follows what Jesus taught in the Bible. So he /she is not contracted in condition with a church. Because he/she is baptised into the Holy Catholic(universal) Church. He/she can join for any resason any worship of other churcch. Church on earth should accepted he/she as member, as long as the Baptism is being performed officially and documented.
Baptism is not a contract with a church minister or with a church. It is a matter of relation with God. As the hymn -Amazing Grace : 'I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.' It is he/she found the Truth & the Light.
Today the matter of parish or denomination makes people confusing. Some ministers is so parochialism. Because they think people who live within their church boundary is members of his church. They forget the church is a Catholic Church, and see the church as their wordly business and try to make the profit of it. Yes, in a norrow sense one who baptismed in a church has a duty to support that church. After all he/she is free to stay or to join others at choice. Because he/she is a free person in God's Kingdom.
In Christ
Robert Yeung
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