A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


「向晚意不適, 驅車登古原;夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」李商隱的這首詩千百年來不知引起多少人的共鳴,卻又不知撩起多少人的自憐自嘆。詩的意境好,只是太消極了。其實天天有夕陽,日日有黃昏!不是嗎?

Friday, December 20, 2013



第一次演出的英語舞台劇 1996 年的Fault Lines〔中譯:裂縫〕。

Fault Lines是列治文市區劇院 Gateway Theatre 與 Green Thumb Theatre 聯合製作 Jessie Richardson Theatre Award Significant Artistic Achievement〕得獎喜劇。由  Patrick McDonald  導演,華裔劇作家 Betty Quan 原創編劇


這齣舞台劇連續演出 21 場,是 Gateway Theatre 96/97 季度的 World Premiere 主打劇。



Anonymous said...



Bessie said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Robin,

Thank you for refreshing my memory about Fault Lines. I was at the opening night and enjoyed the play. I must say that this play was not only an outstanding comedy but a great opportunity for local Canadian to understand people coming from Hong Kong. Playwright Betty Quen won an award for Achievement in Community Outreach because of it.

Here I want to share a writeup from publisher/columnist Dave McCullough of Snapshots:

“If the ability to laugh at your fears means you've overcome them, then Richmond's two biggest ethnic groups - the English and the Chinese - have gotten over their fear of each other.

The stereotypes were all there Thursday at the opening night of Fault Lines, the production that is kick-starting Gateway Theatre's new season. All the things that not-so-long-ago seemed the stuff of real confrontation - the monster homes, the Chinese-language store signs and even the white BMW spray-painted with racist slogans - were on stage for us to fret over. But we didn't fret. We laughed, in the manner of people who look back on their youthful indiscretions and wonder how they could have been so shallow.

Had playwright Betty Quan compiled such an exhaustive list of prejudices a year ago, her work might well have been greeted with outrage. Fault Lines is, after all, a not-so-subtle poke at the generalizations too many of us have cherished for too many years.
In that sense, the new production may have arrived on the scene a little late. We could have used this tonic earlier this year when emotions were running high over help-wanted ads that gave preference to candidates who speak a Chinese language.

Set aside that quibble and be prepared to overlook the fact that Quan's characters are one-dimensional. See it anyway, for Fault Lines ranks among those exceptionally rare cultural events that are worth seeing not only for their entertainment value, but also because they have something really important to say to us and about us.

Fault Lines is an important event in Richmond because it wrestles with the issue that's nearest to the hearts of so many Richmond residents. It tells us something about ourselves and our neighbors, and it challenges us to examine our core beliefs about people whose skin happens to be a different color. It demands our attention. That it does these things with grace and intelligence is a bonus.

Fault Lines plays at Gateway Theatre until Nov. 2. Don't miss it.”

A Theatre Lover

晨曦 said...


Robin Leung 梁萬威 said...

先多謝 A Theatre Lover 君對 Fault Lines 的詳盡介紹。原來您和 Bessie 都有到戲院捧場,感激啊!我知道 Gateway Theatre 是有錄影的,不過只是用作紀錄用途,基於版權問題,不會對外公開。至於晨曦的問題,1996 年我和小湛演出 Fault Lines 之後,1997 年 3 月我們在麥秋導演的虎度門又再踫頭。這一次小湛做米雪的媽媽,我做謝雪心的丈夫。 小湛是 1997 年回港發展,虎度門應該是她回歸前演出的最後一次舞台劇吧。

Mo Mo said...



Robin Leung 梁萬威 said...
