中國女子冰壺隊在早幾天的一場賽事輸給俄羅斯隊之後,加藉教練 Daniel Rafael 向記者大發牢騷,批評自己隊員士氣低劣,缺乏激情:
Daniel Rafael 的教練合約將於今年六月屆滿,他表示將不會繼續擔任該隊教練。
就算中國女子冰壺隊的隊員真的無可救藥,但是賽事仍在進行之中,身為教練的他,有必要這般公開數算她們嗎 ?
假如這個教練不是「外國人」,他敢嗎 ?
Daniel Rafael 的教練合約將於今年六月屆滿,他表示將不會繼續擔任該隊教練。
就算中國女子冰壺隊的隊員真的無可救藥,但是賽事仍在進行之中,身為教練的他,有必要這般公開數算她們嗎 ?
假如這個教練不是「外國人」,他敢嗎 ?
Well, he could have been setting the stage to reasonably leave his 'job' in case the Chinese ladies didn't win a medal - it's all their fault of being in-affectionate.
It also could have been cultural shock - he's not used to how Chinese being less expressive.
Whatever, good job by a young team in a sport not quite rooted in China yet.
"Canadian-bred Chinese curling coach Dan Rafael is so furious with what he calls a lack of passion by his players he said he plans to quit coaching this group once his contract is up.
Rafael watched the reigning world champions lose 7-4 in a shortened nine-end match to Russia on Monday.
His hands trembling because he was so angry, Rafael suggested the team should be broken up after about seven years together.
“They have no passion for the game. It’s their job. They just take everything for granted,” Rafael said.
Rafael’s remarks were news to the secretary general of the Chinese curling federation, Li Dongyan.
When approached by The Associated Press during China’s men’s match against the U.S., Li said he hadn’t heard about what Rafael said. Rafael was sitting 10 feet away from Li during the game."
“I don’t know. That’s not a question I can answer,” Li said when asked about Rafael’s future as China’s coach. “We don’t discuss it.”
中國女子冰壺隊結果在今天以 12 比 6 勝了瑞士隊,贏得今屆冬奧銅牌。
四天前大罵自已隊員罵到手震的 Daniel Rafael 又有話說:「早知係咁,我就早啲俾壓力佢地喇。」
I humbly mentioned that I am a Certified Atheletic Coach (Grade 2) under the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) of the Coaching Association of Canada, and I have been coaching a Canadian National and Provincial Ladies Singles Lawn Bowl Champion, as well as in 2 Atheletic Clubs in Hong Kong for decades. I am therefore qualified to say that the negative, harsh and premature criticism of Dan Rafael against his own team is not only unprofessioanl but most humiliating to the Chinese Athelets as a whole.
It is not a 「激將法」 as Robin had so kindly put it. D.R. simply does not seem to understand good sportsmanship, team work, or the basic coaching technique of the 3 C's (Competance, Consistency, and most important of all, CONCENTRATION). How can the athelets CONCENTRATE with such insulting criticism just before the Bronze Medal Competition!???
Heartiest Congratulations to the Chinese Team for the Bronze Medal that they have so honorably won!
Keep up the good work!!! Go China Go, Go, Go. We are so proud of you. THANK YOU...
多謝 EKO :)
中國報章和新聞報導似乎都跳開了不提 Dan Rafael 這一筆賬。是這筆賬不好算還是不敢算?
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