
「向晚意不適, 驅車登古原;夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」李商隱的這首詩千百年來不知引起多少人的共鳴,卻又不知撩起多少人的自憐自嘆。詩的意境好,只是太消極了。其實天天有夕陽,日日有黃昏!不是嗎?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
A Good Day For Remembering
翻閱兒子 James 幾年前歐遊時,在諾曼第拍的一張照片和介紹:
〝This was a photo taken exactly 5 years ago at Juno Beach in Courseulles-Sur-Mer in Normandy. The gentleman in the photo with me was there to remember the time he had come to that beach exactly 63 years prior.
It was a very windy day, and several chairs set up for the D-Day ceremony had blown completely over. Thinking it would make for a good moment of wit, I asked this gentleman (who happened to be nearby as we all noted the chairs),"So how would you say the wind today compares to sixty-three years ago?"
Classic British response: "Well to be perfectly honest I wasn't thinking about the wind at the time."
He was a British engineer who landed at Juno Beach with the Canadians during the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944. I never asked him his name, but I'll remember him all the same.
It's a good day for remembering.〞
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諾曼第戰役是二次世界大戰解放歐洲的一場重要戰事。根据紀錄,6月6日Juno Beach搶灘一役,加拿大有340名士兵陣亡,574人受傷。在國殤日讀這篇文章,別有一番滋味。令郎懂得對歷史尊重,實屬難得!
One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”; and, “You reward everyone according to what they have done.” (Psalm 62:11-12)
We should take some time today to thank, to honor and to remember those who are serving or who have served to protect and preserve the dignity of people on this land, they are truly a blessing from our LORD.
Thank you Robin for sharing James' article on this Rememberance Day.
God bless you.
In Christ
犬兒 James 對歷史頗有偏好,大學主修英國文學之餘副修歐洲歷史,近來對日本侵華史實也開始有了興趣。
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