A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


「向晚意不適, 驅車登古原;夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」李商隱的這首詩千百年來不知引起多少人的共鳴,卻又不知撩起多少人的自憐自嘆。詩的意境好,只是太消極了。其實天天有夕陽,日日有黃昏!不是嗎?

Monday, February 10, 2020


A message from my friend Peter who is visiting Hong Kong:

“From our reunion trip back to Malaysia and Hong Kong, I am sad to say Hong Kong is a dead city now. 

Riot, coronavirus,  people  unkind, confronting  every time, taxi driver rude, hotel people never greet, only test your temperature,  Chinese coffe shop run by gangster look black rioter, air Canada check in lady treat us like inmate. 

The whole city is crazy, lining up early in the morning for stupid face mask they will never get and grap whatever hygiene product. Younger generation so spoil. Two  age 20 young couple ate $900 food, dressed beautiful brand, wonder how much they make a month, staring at us next table while we complained about the medical people on strike.

I believe everywhere is yellow,  they dine  expensively, dressed famous brands and complain the government  for not giving them affordable  housing, but spent more they earn and borrow. 

Most people complain the government and hate Chinese.  Sad to see how Hong Kong are now, as compare my wife home town in Malaysia, slowly, humbly developed  into a city of discipline, modern, affordable and most importantly people of multi culture, respect each other, proud of my wife home town and sad to see mine city collapse. “



三瞿宅 said...

Really feel sorry and sad to hear the situation could have turned so bad ! Let's pray for a normal and better Hongkong !

Bendick Leung said...

I am sorry to hear what your friend Peter has encountered in Hong Kong. I think as citizen of Hong Kong, we have no complaints but hoping the crisis will end soon.

Patrick Lui said...


Joe Leung said...

So sad. Hkg are proud of having no identity and only admire American. Who always intend to suppress China's uprising