A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


「向晚意不適, 驅車登古原;夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」李商隱的這首詩千百年來不知引起多少人的共鳴,卻又不知撩起多少人的自憐自嘆。詩的意境好,只是太消極了。其實天天有夕陽,日日有黃昏!不是嗎?

Thursday, February 16, 2017


今天和大仔一家去參觀女皇公園的 Bloedel 溫室雨林。


因為去得早,雀鳥們剛吃過早餐,精神特別旺盛,當中一只叫 Kramer 的白鸚鵡主動向我打招呼:「Hello, how are you doing」我說:「Fine, how are you doing?」牠居然懂得回應說:「I am fine。」走的時候還懂得向我說拜拜。



燕子 said...


Bloedel Conservatory said...

Kramer has a large vocabulary and is not shy about letting you know it! He says things like “Hello, Good Morning”, “Kramer is a good bird” (often followed by “Kramer is a bad bird”), “What is that?”, “Peek-a-boo”, “I’m a bird”, “Let’s party”, “Surprise!”, and “Good night”. In total, Kramer knows approximately 40 phrases. He will ask “Up, up, up?” when he wants to go for a walk, and as you leave at closing time, you will usually be serenaded with a heartfelt “Bye-Bye”! Sometimes his language can even get as colourful as the plants at the Conservatory! Watch the spotlight video at CTV Vancouver: ‘The Last Word: Dirty Bird Talking’ – that showcases the language he likely learned while living at a University frat house.

Kramer, at only 14 years of age, had a number of different homes before he was adopted at the Bloedel Conservatory. This is an unfortunate reality for many parrots due to their long life spans. Cockatoos and mid-size parrots like African Greys can live approximately 60 years, while larger macaws can live over 80 years of age. This makes living in numerous homes a reality for many parrots as they often out live their care-givers. When Kramer first arrived at the Conservatory, he was a very scared and untrusting bird – ready to bite anybody at any time. But the staff at Bloedel knew he was special and extremely intelligent. They patiently worked with him everyday until he knew he was in a safe and loving environment. Now Kramer is a well-adjusted, friendly bird and one of the best known ‘celebrities’ under the dome.