A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


「向晚意不適, 驅車登古原;夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」李商隱的這首詩千百年來不知引起多少人的共鳴,卻又不知撩起多少人的自憐自嘆。詩的意境好,只是太消極了。其實天天有夕陽,日日有黃昏!不是嗎?

Saturday, October 13, 2012


國際天文學家在距離地球四千光年之處,發現有史以來第一顆由鑽石構成的小行星。 顆行星直徑是地球 5 ,如果以卡數計算,可眞是個天文數字!

還好在這顆星離開地球這麽遠, 人類觸手不及




Diamonds are forever,
They are all I need to please me,
They can stimulate and tease me,
They won't leave in the night,
I've no fear that they might desert me.
Diamonds are forever,
Hold one up and then caress it,
Touch it, stroke it and undress it,
I can see every part,
Nothing hides in the heart to hurt me.
I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.
Diamonds are forever,
Sparkling round my little finger.
Unlike men, the diamonds linger;
Men are mere mortals who
Are not worth going to your grave for.
I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.
Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
Forever and ever.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the "Diamonds are forever", how about MARILYN MONROE's "Diamonds are a girl's best friend":

"The French are glad to die for love. They delight in fighting duels, but I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels. A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl's best friend. A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat or help you at the automat. Men grow cold as girls grow old, and we all lose our charms in the end. But square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks don't loose their shape. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Tiffany's! Cartier! Black Starr! Frost Gorm! Talk to me Harry Winston. Tell me all about it! There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer, but diamonds are a girl's best friend."

Anonymous said...

"...Unlike men, the diamonds linger;
Men are mere mortals who
Are not worth going to your grave..."

Is there any other diamond related song that teaches girls should work hard to buy their own diamonds instead of prostituting from stupid men?

Anonymous said...
